The Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU) is an equal-opportunity employer. If you feel that you have the zeal and enthusiasm to accept the challenging roles & responsibilities and you are diligent & honest, then TNNLU is the right platform to achieve success.


Recruitment  for the position of Research Assistant

(purely on a temporary basis)  

                                           Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the position of Research Assistant (purely on a temporary basis) at the Research Centres of Tamil Nadu National Law University, Tiruchirappalli. Candidates are required to fill the application after reading the details of the advertisement.                                        

List of Selected Candidates for the Post of Research Assistant of the Research Centre at TNNLU


Sl. No.

Name of the Centre

Name of the Selected Candidates

Period of Engagement


Centre for Investment Laws

Ms. Harshini M U

6 Months


Centre for Business and Human Rights

Mr. Kishore Kumar*

6 Months


Centre for Research, Development & Training in Cyber Law and Cyber Security (CRDT-CLCS)

Ms. S. Kiruti Ratchaya

4 months


Legal Centre for Women’s Welfare

Ms. Sakthi Sighana K

4 Months

 *Mr. Kishore Kumar’s selection is subject to the verification of the true copies of  the documents

List of Waitlisted Candidates          

Sl. No.

Name of the Centre

Name of the Waitlisted Candidates


Centre for Business and Human Rights

Ms. Harshini M U


Centre for Research, Development & Training in Cyber Law and Cyber Security (CRDT-CLCS)

Ms. Vedavalli Renganathan


Legal Centre for Women’s Welfare

Ms. S. Kiruti Ratchaya








The Selected Candidates shall receive a detailed email regarding the date and time of reporting and joining. The selected candidates are required to follow the details as per the email and speed post communications from TNNLU. In case of Non-reporting/Not Joining, the candidate from the waitlist will be subsequently informed/communicated.